
Communion exhortation - 2/18/07

Accompanying sermon text: 1 Samuel 15

Psalm 81:10-11: “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. But My people would not heed My voice.”

We must both obey, and sacrifice. We must come to the table, and we must come in faith. God calls everyone to believe on His Son, who has died for the sins of the world. All men are to come to Him and identify with Him in this meal. His body was broken for us. We must be united with Him to share in the benefits He offers. So seal that union as you eat. Proclaim His death as you drink. As the bread is carried to every part of your body to nourish it, let Christ permeate every part of your life. Any limb or member that refuses to be nourished must eventually be cut off from the body, or it will die and spread its death. Do not refuse Him who speaks. Heed His voice. Open your mouth wide, and receive the manna, the water from the rock, receive Christ.

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