
Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19

The Sanhedrin condemns Jesus.

Judas returns the money, which fulfills prophecy, and hangs himself.

The Sanhedrin hands Him over to Pilate. He gives Herod a favor by sending Jesus to him, but the true King has nothing to say to the usurping king Herod. Jesus tells Pilate His kingdom is not of this world.

Pilate realizes the Sanhedrin are trying to condemn an innocent man, and tries to get him released, offering Barabbas, then flogging Him. Jesus says Pilate's authority to execute Jesus is from heaven, convicting Pilate of what he is about to do. It doesn't work and the Jews pull the trump card: riot. Pilate gives in.

The soldiers take Him and play their usual mock-him-as-king-before-killing-him game.

Simon carries His cross to Golgotha - Jesus is too weak to do it, apparently.

In the physical agony of nail piercings, Jesus prays for the forgiveness of this sin of ignorance of the Roman soldiers.

He refuses sour wine.

They divide His clothes.

The charge actually condemns the Jews, not Jesus: King of the Jews. They rejected their only king.

Passersby, one crucified with Him, and the Sanhedrin all mock Him, as in Psalm 22.

The other robber testifies to Jesus' innocence, and Jesus promises him paradise.

Jesus asks John to provide for His mother.

"I thirst."

The sun goes dark from noon to 3pm, when Jesus cries out in the agony of being forsaken by His Father. "It is finished." He commits His spirit to the Father, and as He dies, the temple veil is torn, there is an earthquake, and saints are resurrected.

The Jews are silent at this, but a Roman soldier testifies that this man must have been from God.

The soldiers pierce His side to be sure He is dead.

Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus in his own rock tomb, an expensive sacrifice.

The Jews get a guard placed by the tomb to keep the disciples from any funny business about His promised resurrection.

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