
The Love of God Worldwide

Many branches of the church celebrate today as worldwide communion Sunday. This means they make a point of all celebrating the Lord’s Supper today. Since we partake of the meal every week, we might be tempted to shrug at this, but consider first. The church in Kazakhstan worshiped the Lord today, about 8 hours ago. They lifted a cup and proclaimed the Lord’s death, as we do. We sometimes get the idea that we are one of the few truly faithful, but it seems there are millions around the globe placing their faith Christ. We are all busy working in our own cubicle at our own desk. We need to stay diligent to our own calling, but we don’t want to have blinders on to what else is going on. It’s helpful to stand up and look around every now and then, and see the big picture of what God is doing. The love of God in Christ, which we have known and felt in our own hearts, has also gone to Karaganda, Kazakhstan, and to St Petersburg, and Belarus, and Romania, Hungary, Israel, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, France, Ireland, Canada, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, Mongolia, and China.

And Christ’s prayer will certainly not be denied – we will all be one, because the source of our unity is the love God the Father has for His Son, the glory God has given Him. Jesus has made this possible for us by His death on the cross, which we remember here.


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