
Foolish to Think It?

What a strange thing for a bit of bread and wine to point to Jesus Christ.  How does this ritual of Eucharist proclaim the death of the Lord?  Here is more of God’s wisdom, which doesn’t fit with worldly wisdom.

After His resurrection, Jesus showed Thomas the scars and holes in His hands and side.  They were still there.  We would think all thought of crucifixion would be wiped away in a glorified body, but it is not.  When the saints sing a new song in glory to the Lamb, the first thing they say is that He is worthy because He was slain.

Until we get there, we have this Supper to say the same thing.

Here we worship the Lamb.  Here God feeds us and calls us His children, on the basis of the cross.  Here we preach Christ crucified.  We don’t leave the cross behind to get to victory in Jesus.  The cross IS God’s victory.  Here we boast in it, glory in it and in God.

The cross really does something.  Worldly wisdom finds that absurd.

This Lord’s Supper also really does something.  That can be hard to believe, too.  But it’s true.  This bread and wine, by the Spirit giving faith and uniting us to Jesus, eating this bread and wine proclaims Christ, feeds and strengthens and shapes our lives, confirms our faith, marks out the body of Christ.


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