
Psalm 139-141

You know everything about me, Lord, and You are anywhere I could go.
You knit me together when I was still in the womb, and knew all my future days then, already.
I hate the malicious and wicked - destroy them!
Search me for any grievous way and lead me in Your way.

Deliver me from violent men - don't let them have their way with me!
Overwhelm them with mischief, trouble, fire and evil.
You will bring justice and let the righteous dwell with You.

Hear me when I call to You.
Protect my speech and my heart from evil.  Let the righteous rebuke me.
They've set traps for me again, but I trust in You.  Trap them while I go free.

How this is about Jesus
139 - He is known completely by the Father - they are one, and draw us into Their perfect fellowship.
140 - He was brought to the Father to dwell and reign with Him forever, as before the Incarnation.
141 - He was trapped by the wicked and crucified so that we could go free.

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