
1 Kings 19-20

Jezebel threatens Elijah's life, and he runs far south.  God sustains him and he comes to Mount Sinai.  God asks why he is here, and he complains of Israel's disobedience (discouragement and self-pity abound, vss. 10, 14).  After an impressive display of power in wind, earthquake and fire, God speaks again in a still, small whisper.  He commissions him to go back to work in the north, anointing a king of Syria, Israel and a prophet, Elisha.  He rebukes his self-pity by pointing out the faithful remnant who are with him.  He calls Elisha and lets him go say goodbye to his parents first.

Syria threatens Israel militarily.  After some trash talk, Israel attacks and wins.  They win the next fighting season, too - Syria underestimates them and thinks Israel's god is local and can't fight as well in the plains.  Ahab gets help from prophets of God, and takes it, but he is too easy on Syria when he wins, letting the king go free.  A prophet confronts Ahab about it, and he goes home sullen.

How this is about Jesus
He also is in the desert 40 days and 40 nights, but without food to sustain Him.  He discerns God's voice, but without the self-pity.
He is greater than Elijah, which is why He doesn't let disciples say goodbye to their parents first (Luke 9:59-62).
He can help us anywhere - He is not local to Israel or any one country.
He is the prophet who is not threatened by the power of kings (John 19:9-11).

When things get tough, remember the one you serve.  Discern and heed His voice.  Remember His plan is bigger than you.
Trash talk and presumption when you're the big guy are usually a bad idea.  Pride goes before a fall.
When you are corrected, sullenness is a sure sign you aren't taking it well.

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