
Psalm 42, 44-47

I pant for God as the deer for water.
I'm cast down in my soul, wondering when my exile will be over.
I still have sweet fellowship with Him, but my enemy oppresses me.
Hope in God, my soul - He will save me.

We have heard how You helped our fathers, Lord.
But you have let us be defeated, though we haven't forsaken You.
Help us!

The king is handsome, gracious, victorious.  His throne is forever.
Receive Him gladly as your husband, princess.

God will be our refuge even when the whole earth shakes, and all the nations rage and totter.
God brings a river of peace.  Where the nations rattled sabers, He stops them and exalts Himself.

Praise God with shouts of joy, for He has subdued nations beneath us.
He reigns over all nations, and all military might belongs to Him.

How this is about Jesus
42 - He panted for God's presence when tempted in the wilderness, too.
44 - He was forsaken by God though He was faithful.
45 - He is the king, commended to the bride, His church.
46 - His kingdom shall not be shaken (Heb. 12:25-28).  He sends us the river of peace -John 7:37-39.
47 - He is the coming conquering king who will strike the nations such that every knee will bow.

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