
Ezekiel 11-15

11 - Israel's advisors are fearful and thinking only of saving their skin.  But God will regather them to Israel and their heart to Himself to be His.  The glory of God leaves the city.  Ezekiel tells the exiles what he saw.

12 - Ezekiel acts out going into exile, gathering baggage and digging through the wall, eating and drinking in fear.  The proverb the people use now, that prophecies about the end aren't coming true, will stop.  I'm making it happen soon.

13 - Ezekiel condemns prophets who has proclaimed peace, claiming God spoke, when He didn't.
This extends to making and wearing religious objects referring to false gods or "spiritual" vibes.

14 - elders come to Ezekiel for counsel. God says they pursue idols and He will destroy them for hypocritically cherishing idols in their hearts while seeking a word from Yahweh.
Even if Noah, Daniel and Job all interceded for Israel now, I wouldn't relent.  When you are destroyed, and your houses plundered, your secret idolatrous treasures brought out into the street in daylight, you'll admit I was just to destroy you.

15 - Just like the wood of vines is good for nothing but burning, so Israel is that kind of wood...

How this is about Jesus:
He points out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, as God does in Ezek. 14.

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